Wednesday, 25 March 2020


Whether the coronavirus has penetrated the human body from another animal or has been deliberately transmitted from the laboratory of the germ weapon, there is a debate. The United States, China, Iran, Russia, Britain have been spreading various conspiracy theories against each other. Many experts believe that such conspiracy theories will only spread fear, rumors and hatred to prevent international cooperation in the crisis. But, by denying these conspiracy theories, we are ignoring a very extreme truth. And so, whatever the origin of the coronavirus, it is now highly true that a number of required characteristics are present in the coronavirus to be considered as a potential germ-weapon. For example, it is a highly contagious virus that can survive for days in various biological liquids such as saliva. Besides, the incubation period of the coronavirus disease (Covid 19) is long.  So, world leaders must protect the public from the infection of the Corona virus and ensure that the coronavirus does not become a free readymade germ-weapon for any terrorist group. World leaders must take it seriously that the elderly are leading in every field, including politics, economics, administration, medical, education, military etc. in the world. Frighteningly, the highest mortality rate in covid 19 is found in the case of the aged people. This means that it is easier for terrorists to kill the most important people of the society using coronavirus as germ-weapon. Political leaders are at the greatest risk. So, the necessary steps must be taken by world leaders to protect important people from the terrorist attack of coronavirus as soon as possible. They must remember that terrorists can carry explosives and commit suicide, so they can be voluntarily infected with coronavirus and then can expose them to the targeted people to infect them with the coronavirus. Since the duration of the disease can be up to 15 days, terrorists can reach the desired person or location by passing the steps of the traditional protection system before the symptoms of the disease are revealed. There are other ways to infect the targeted person with a germ weapon that terrorists can use. For example, the materials used regularly in various political, religious, social and competitive events such as flower chains and bouquet, medals, microphones etc. are easily infected by virus-carrying saliva. As a result, those who come into contact with these materials will be infected with the virus. So, by avoiding the debate about how the coronavirus originated, world leaders should take combined efforts to prevent the use of the coronavirus as a weapon by terrorists.      

Dr. Md. Fazlul Haque
Microbiologist and Associate Professor
Department of Zoology
University of Rajshahi
Rajshahi, Bangladesh

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