Monday, 30 July 2018

Protocol for 5X DMEM

  1. Take 900 mL of 3A water in a Beaker 
  2. Put it on a magnetic stirrer and turn on the machine
  3. Add whole bottle of DMEM Glucose (67 Gram) slowly in the Beaker
  4. Stir it up to soluble completely into 3A water  
  5. Add 10 gram of Sodium-bicarbonate (NaHCO3)
  6. Then, add 17.9 gram of HEPES
  7. Adjust PH 7.4  by adding 10N NaOH
  8. Then transfer the medium in measuring flask and make the volume 1000mL by adding 3A water
  9. Filter the medium in Biosafety cabinet
  10. Preserve medium  in 40 C

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